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Through My Eyes

A Message to thee … Part 14

It’s all here, will never go away
It will not be taken from me, or go astray
Nothing to stop me, or hold me back
To send my message to thee, every year, down to the day

It’s not gone, it all still remains
I still remember you, come sunshine or rain
You are still a draft of wind, under my wings
With faith and drive, no matter on what lane

Another year has passed, with a lot to share
I am still learning, to be just and fair
Winning back the fight, when it seemed so hard to endure
I am still stronger, with every hope and prayer

Today I am here, to renew my vow
To make you proud, then, and now
For my love to you, will never go away
You’re always on my mind, when it’s time to take a bow

Still going strong, no matter how high is the tide
Finding the opportunity, in each and every ride
If they are all against you, you can still prevail
With faith and endurance, and no room for despair

Once upon a time, you made a request
To visit you every year, and never forget
I hold this dear to my heart, every single year
For you will never be forgotten, by me, or the rest

Another year has passed and promises never change
The faith to fight, grow and shine, on every stage
For you are my friend, that never goes away
And I will keep your memory, no matter at what age

Another Piece … Through My Eyes